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it’s funny how after a few days immersed in nature our perspective can shift so drastically, things that felt so loud and important before seem neutral, softer somehow

in civilization we forget our wildness, yet our wildness is innate

our brains are wired to survive, and although they have evolved in consciousness, brilliance, reflection, creativity

ancient instincts kick in strong with preprogrammed ‘escape plans’

the old brain triggers inner alarm systems, and we become chemically habituated to the stress

our baselines are heightened, we become chronically activated, tense

in society it seems that our alarm systems go off often

with technology, media, work

with perceived obligations or inconveniences

the first night camping I spent a long time trying to sync a bluetooth speaker, without avail

at the time it seemed important, frustrating

but soon after the sound of silence became something sweeter, relieving even

and I realized that silence was exactly the healing that I needed

to unplug, unwind, ground

to get awoken by racoons stealing bananas and loons singing songs

to live amongst the frogs, minnows and crows

rewilding, returning, resetting

while a wilderness visit is necessary from time to time, we have the ability to regulate our own physiology through basic activities such as breathing, connecting, creating and mindful movement

our capacity to dysregulate is matched by our capacity to heal

love, rio

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