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Somatic Naturotherapy for Women & Groups

My integrative practice offers somatic therapy, bodywork and naturotherapy to reduce stress, regain balance and release trauma.


Montreal-based + Virtual

Integrative Somatic Therapy

The body keeps score. Using mind-body techniques we gently transform stored trauma body. Somato-emotional release the holding patterns, release anxiety & depression.

Nervous System Regulation

Get unstuck. Come out of a chronic state of Fight-Flight-Freeze, and back into Rest-Digest. Only from this state may we heal, experience joy, learn, focus, love.

Stress + Tension Release

Stress manifests as tension in the body, blocking you from self-connection. When released, you’re open to connect & feel grounded to your body, environment & relationships.

Holistic Health + Nutrition

Wellness 360 looks at all layers of your well-being. Making achievable, consistent shifts in our daily habits and practices lead to gradual and lasting transformation.

 I believe in the power of holistic modalities to restore balance and vitality.

With somatic therapy, bioenergetics, neuro-linguistic programming and naturotherapy – experience the seamless integration of ancient wisdom and modern science.



Bioenergetic Therapy

Integrative Somatic Therapy




Virtual Sessions

Online sessions in Somatic Therapy, Naturotherapy and Bioenergetics from the comfort of your home.

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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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Insurance receipts as Naturopath with ACNN.

Accredited by

Somatic Therapy

Mind-Body techniques to heal through the body, releasing holding patterns & rewire neural pathways.

Learn more about Somatic Therapy


Holistic wellness sessions to identify root causes, rewire neural pathways and acheive lasting results.

Learn More about Naturotherapy

Bioenergetic Therapy

Reiki, Reflexology, Craniosacral. Release blockages & find alignment in the physical, emotional, energetic bodies.

Learn More about Bioenergetics

“I had no idea what kind of energy I had stored in my body and Rio's program allowed me to unfold that hidden energy. I am so grateful for Rio sharing her wisdom and light with us, and am excited to continue on my own journey with this work.”

VeronicaDietician Nutritionist

“I’ve had a few sessions with Rio. Each time leave feeling energized & replenished. She also offers a lot of practical advice & recommendations based on the work of the session which I find helpful.”

SherrySustainable Development

Hey, I’m Rio and I’m a practitioner & mentor in holistic health and somatic wellness.

My multifaceted approach addresses all layers of life to promote deep healing, empowerment and lasting transformation.

My journey began in 2007 with shadow work, followed by learning Reiki in 2009, which catalyzed profound healing and the transformation of trauma. This experience sparked a lifelong dedication to studying under diverse teachers and exploring various modalities, deeply immersing myself in holistic healing practices.

Now, I am passionate about guiding others to release emotional blocks and self-limiting beliefs. With over 15 years experience in bioenergetics, shadow work, and holistic remedies, I offer a unique and integrative blend of tools for healing.

My mission is to activate healers and empower women to unlock their gifts. I specialize in working with highly sensitive and neurodivergent women as well as the LGBTQ+ community. In addition to 1:1 sessions I offer comprehensive trainings focused on mind-body connection, shadow integration, and practical tools for continual growth, regulation and alignment.

Wanna get in touch? Let's talk


Polarity Practitioner, Ecole Setsuko, 2025

Integrative Somatic Parts Work, Embody Lab, 2024

Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapist, Embody Lab, 2023-2024

Advanced Somatic Practitioner, MVP, 2024

Naturopathic Practitioner, Scholistico; Academy of Naturopaths & Naturotherapists of Canada, 2023-2024

Nervous System Regulation Practitioner, That Healing Feeling, 2023

Holistic Health & Wellness Mentor, International Association of Wellness Professionals 2021-2023

Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, HeadgearLabs, 2022

Hypnosis Practitioner, Transformation Academy, 2020-2021

Craniosacral Practitioner, Ingalesh San Marcos La Laguna, 2020

Restorative & Vinyasa Yoga Instructor 200h, Yoga Nidra, Pachananda Cusco, 2018-2019

Thai Reflexologist, Lotus Palm, Montreal, 2017-18

Fourth Degree Reiki Teacher, Toronto, Halifax, Montreal, Colorado, Peru 2009 – 2018

BA in Religious Studies + Philosophy, with a concentration on Mysticism & Eastern Traditions, University of King’s College & Dalhousie 2010-2015

Transform Stress Into Strength

In today’s world, stress can build up over time, leading to self-doubt, anxiety & fatigue.

My process starts by listening deeply to identify what’s hindering you, then customizing a fusion of trauma-informed therapies to release the hold of tension & blockages & support your unique needs.

Book Now

5 Bioenergetic Therapy + Naturotherapy - 60m/90m

5 Bioenergetic Therapy and/or Naturotherapy sessions with assignments in between. Payable in 2 installments.


10 Bioenergetic + Naturotherapy Sessions 60m/90m

10 Bioenergetic + Naturotherapy Sessions with assignments in between. Payable in 3 installments. Save 10$ each session.


5 Pack Somatic Therapy - 60m/90m

5 Integrative Somatic Therapy sessions with assignments in between. Save $10 each session. Payable in 2 installments.


10 Pack Somatic Therapy - 60m/90m

10 Integrative Somatic Therapy sessions with assignments in between. Payable in 3 installments. Save 20$ each session.


Are sessions covered by insurance receipts?

How many sessions are recommended?

Depending on your needs. For most clients, I recommend an initial series of 3 sessions spaced a week or two apart, then we reassess the situation. Sometimes clients return for a check in several months later. Some clients come once every couple months for a ‘tune up’.

The important thing is to listen to what your body needs and establish a personalized session plan. Contact me if you have any further questions.

What is Somatic Therapy?

Who can benefit from a session?

I offer services tailored specifically for individuals who identify as women or non-binary.

Where are you located?

I always have incredible Reiki sessions with Rio! She has helped me learn so much and I feel completely renewed after every session. I have been learning Reiki through her online lessons and I have done multiple distance Reiki sessions by her-- she has helped me navigate through various different situations. Her insight and messages are always on point!


I’ve had 3 sessions with Rio so far. 2 bioenergetic with myofascial release and 1 somatic therapy. I’ve really enjoyed them. I feel instantly in a trance when she works on me as if she has magic healing hands. Rio is a gifted healer and practises her craft with focus and intention. I recommend!


Rio's awesome at what she does and has an exceptional gift when it comes to creating an easy and comfortable atmosphere throughout a session. Highly intuitive and very practical with insights and feedback, I highly recommend Rio to anybody seeking Naturotherapeutic services and/or energy work!


Rio is able to comprehensively address my needs though her detail-oriented and compassionate flow. I would highly recommend her services to anyone who is even slightly curious, as you wouldn’t regret it.

ThomasAI Policy

i had the most amazing reiki and reflexology session with rio. a truly unique and cosmic experience! rio is professional and very knowledgeable about her work. highly recommend!!

CarmelaMassage Therapist

I've been getting reiki/reflexology/craniosacral from Rio for years, always very relaxing and informative, you can tell she’s passionate about educating. I recently decided to give somatic therapy a shot and I plan on continuing. I experienced a deep release that emotions I didn’t know was there. Unwinding the fascia was a highlight. Thank you Rio!


I have had several reiki sessions with Rio and each is amazing. I am always feeling well rested, recharged and balanced post session. She also gives notes on different things coming up in the session which are very helpful. Her guidance is unmatched and I feel very grateful to have found her. Also, I started my own reiki journey by learning through her online program and I must say those are really informative and make you feel at ease and confident in your ability to practice. She supports you in this process and allows you to feel seen and heard. No amount of words can describe my utmost respect and gratitude for this woman. A true earth angel. Thank you for everything Rio.

Marie-PierreYoga Instructor

I’ve been working with Rio on and off for a many years now and every session I have with her brings new insights about what may be holding me back or causing issues. She is incredibly insightful and intuitive and I would recommend her to anyone who is highly sensitive or struggles with setting boundaries. As a sensitive person herself she has very useful information on how to protect your energy and release tension and blockages from your body. She provides a safe non-judgmental space and I always feel lighter after an energy healing session with her. She truly is gifted and committed to her practice. I look forward to future sessions with her

JennaMusician, Video Editor

I've had the privilege of attending a few workshops and healing sessions with Rio. She is incredibly knowledgeable and shares her wisdom while transporting me to another realm each session. I've learned so much about shadow work from Rio and look forward to any time she does Reiki on me. The craniosacral session was one I will never forget.

JessPrivate Chef, Author

This was my first time going ahead with therapy after years of trauma, and it did not disappoint. I went in with an open mind but a lot of fear and apprehension. From the moment I have walked through the door, I have been welcomed so kindly by Victoria. She reassures you right away and makes you feel so heard and cared for. Her hands are absolute magic and I would suggest you let her guide through what would work best for you. Through only one session, I have walked out of there absolutely rested and calm. She gives you tools and homework to help support you on your journey even when not in session.

If you needed a sign, this is yours.


Rio's somatic healing workshop was a wonderful experience. We learned some techniques to help transfer blocked & trapped energy from our body. It was a truly healing start to a continuous journey. I am thankful for the experience. Thank you.

KhadijahBirth Coach

Rio is very gentle, patient, attentive, with fairy fingers we let ourselves be carried serenely throughout the session. A great professional, competent in these different specialties and she worked hard to get here.
She gives me very good advice to help me in my healing, thank you Rio

Discover Your Inner Wisdom

By accessing the deep inner wisdom of your body and energy system, I help you develop clarity, identify root causes of recurring issues and accelerate your healing.

As an experienced naturotherapist and somatic trauma specialist, I provide fully customized care.

Questions and thoughts?

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Reiki is a ever-growing, non-invasive, natural holistic therapy that is practiced in thousands of hospitals worldwide. Its effects are subtle yet luminous, offering a euphoric, visceral, and elevating experience.

In Reiki I, you will:
* Acquire a lifelong toolkit to harmonize the bioenergetic field and release blockages for yourself, clients, and animals
* Connect with your higher self and intuition
* Enhance your perception of the subtle energy field and explore the science of bioenergetics
* Review the Chakra and Meridian systems
* Practice giving and receiving self and table treatments
* Learn to create energetic barriers and cut energetic cords
* Understand the role of the mind as medicine in your journey as a healer
* Receive a Reiki I manual and Reiki Practitioner Certificate

As a Reiki practitioner, you will learn the techniques to become a conduit for this frequency, rebalancing and revitalizing the energy field, bringing clarity, and leaving the recipient feeling relaxed and restored.

Sign Up Now